Disability Policy
Disability Discrimination Policy For Allscott Sports Club
Allscott Sports Club fully supports the principle of equal opportunities in employment and opposes all forms of unlawful or unfair discrimination on the grounds of disability. No applicant or employee shall receive less favourable treatment because of disability.
It is in the interest of Allscott Sports Club and those who work for it to ensure that all available human resource talents and skills are considered when employment opportunities arise.
Allscott Sports Club is committed to maintaining and managing a diverse workforce.
To ensure that Allscott Sports Club complies with the Equality Act 2010 (which replaces the Disability Discrimination Act 1995) and to ensure that disabled people falling within the definition of the Act are treated equally and fairly.
To ensure we recruit and retain the best people for Allscott Sports Club
The Disability Discrimination Policy covers all staff and job applicants. This also covers employees who become disabled during their employment. Where relevant it also covers staff employed by outside agencies working on Allscott Sports Club premises.
Recruitment, training, and promotion are carried out in line with Allscott Sports Club Codes of Practice. Clear job descriptions and person specifications are used (where appropriate) to enhance objective assessments and to ensure that decisions are made solely on objective and job-related criteria.
Allscott Sports Club will endeavour to give training and guidance to all relevant Staff, to ensure that the risk of possible discriminatory attitudes affecting decisions is minimised and that there is an understanding of the relevant provisions of the Equality Act 2010.
Allscott Sports Club operates a Grievance Procedure to enable grievances, including those relating to unfair discrimination on grounds of disability, to be formally heard.
All reasonable and necessary changes will be investigated and any justified changes will be made to the workplace and to employment arrangements so that disabled people are not at any substantial disadvantage compared to non-disabled people.
This covers all areas of employment, including recruitment, promotion, and training.
In recruitment and selection, Allscott Sports Club will modify selection techniques, where appropriate, and make any other reasonable changes to ensure that disabled people can be considered equally with non-disabled candidates.